Im wondering if this is normal? For the past decade or so the maverick has mostly sat under cover. Used only when needed, or driven just to warm it up. The last set of tires were replaced because of dry rot... Im trying to drive it more now, especially with gas prices going up. It hesitates pretty bad, and stuttered at speed for a while. The stuttering is mostly gone, but it still hesitates. I figured I could get rid of the hesitation by puttin her through 'er paces for a few minutes Got it warmed up, and got on the highway. Put my foot to the floor, and... not much. It struggled to break 65mph going up a slight grade! Highway driving is virtually impossble since I have to stay at WOT half the time just to keep up with traffic... Is this normal for the 250, or is my engine in serious need of a rebuild?
Have you checked the gas filter lately? i would do that first. might also change or clean the plugs. Good luck.
I put a new fuel filter on a couple years ago when I put the new carb on. Not more then 200 miles on the car since. Plugs are a good idea. Ive been meaning to check cylinder compression anyway. A serious exhuast leak couldn't steal power could it? The exhuast manifold needs to be shaved down. Been meaning to get to that also... Need to get off my butt.... Heh, thanks guys.
If it has been sitting, the tank is probably ate up with rust, and it will clog a new filter in minutes. Might want to check the filter(s) and maybe clean out the tank.
If it has been sitting for that long I would perform the following: replace the points, plugs, cap, rotor, condenser, and wires (or at least clean and set the gaps on the points and plugs), replace the fuel filter, the filters are paper on the inside and if it has set for a long period of time with any fuel in it at all the paper could have degraded by now, check the fuel in the tank (old gas = low octane = no power) at least add some octane booster. I hope this helps. BTW nice looking mav.
First thing you need to do in a tune up is buy one of the electronic conversion modules and ditch the points and condenser. Then replace the cap, rotor, wires and plugs.
Put on a new fuel filter. Idle smoothed out, hesitation & stuttering is completley gone A little more power. However, I keep getting 250' stuck in my head. It has the 200cu. That would explain the "no power" problem Either way, it's running like new now. Thanks yall!
Just for some quick info, today I started and ran my 79 T-Bird that last had gas put in April 20th, 2004. It's been sitting since then. Took a couple of minutes of 30 seconds cranking then two stabs on the gas pedal and it started right up. Ran without smoke and seemed to have plenty of power. I am going to run the old gas out when I put it back on the road next month sometime. Guess sometimes gas lasts longer then we think. Not always though. My 79 Lincoln has also sat for four years on a quarter tank of gas and it wouldn't start. Luck of the draw I guess.
Wichita Falls!!! I used to live up there! I ran my 6 month old gas today on my new motor. Usually, if it has a bit of gas left, I will top it off with Supreme to bring the octane up a bit. It probably doesn't help, but it feels good to know I am spending more money to try to fix it... Today, I just tried to gun it a bit and suck off the half a tank I had left over.