I have a minor problem with the clutch pedal in my 75 Maverick. When I push it in, it works fine. But when I release it, it engages but only comes up about 3/4 of the way, it then takes a few more seconds for it to go all the way to the top. I think it's some sort of a return spring that has weakened. Any ideas? If it's a return spring, where is it located and how can I get another one? Thanks, Craig
Sounds like it could be adjustment. May be engaging too close to the floor. If so just adjust the rod that runs from the clutch fork to the z bar so it is a little longer. I like my clutch to be fully engage and disengaged between 1/3 and 1/2 pedal movement from top.
I'm not sure. I think the clutch is adjusted correctly. It grabs about 2" off the floor. It seems that after it has fully engaged (about 2/3 the way up from the floor) it gets lazy and takes a while to get back fully up to the very top.
What I would look for first is that there is a really heavy little coil spring up on the pedal frame under the dash. It is what helps the clutch pedal return after being depressed. I would make sure the spring on the pedal is where it belongs or maybe you need a newer one. I would also check the nylon bushings where the pedal shaft goes through the frame. Maybe a stiffer spring on the fork if all else fails?
In my opinion, 2" off the floor is too low. The spring on the pedal assembly is twofold. It pulls the pedal up and helps push it down. You have to get it past the pivot point to bring the pedal back up. Your clutch is fully engaged before it gets past the pivot point. Just adjust it up a little and it will work fine.
I also think your clutch needs to be adjusted a bit. Mine started doing the same thing a couple months ago. Adjusted the rod Dennis mentioned and fixed it right away.
A stiffer spring on the clutch fork wont do anything for you. That spring is just there to keep tension on the end of the clutch rod so it doesn't fall out of the fork when the clutch is all the way up.
FYI ... There is also a spring that is supposed to be attached from the top of the z-bar to the firewall below the M/C ... this will also assist with the pedal return. If you don't install this only the clutch diaphragm itself will be handling the pedal return. Most people leave this off since it has been long lost or broken.
My first thought was the big spring above the pedal. I know on mine, even if the linkage isn't in the car and I start pulling up on the pedal it pops to the top after it travels half way. Maybe it popped out of the mounting when you got too much wear in the bearing surfaces or it broke itself. I will admit the 2" from the floor seems a bit much, but the way I've always adjusted a clutch is with 1" free play in the pedal itself before you can feel the pressure from the pressure plate. Good luck and let us know what you find!
If all else is in order and you still have the problem,even after re-adjusting.Look closely at the clutch equalizer bar,(Z-bar)it could be developing a crack or an unnatural bend due to fatigue/age.I had both happen and had the same problem you are experiencing.I hope you just need an adjustment.Good luck.
I had the same problem years and years ago in my Falcon I removed the assistant spring all together and had the same problem. (That was a can of worms I wish I never opened.) How old is your pressure plate/clutch?? Mine was doing the same thing again last year with the pedal not returning but my clutch/pressure plate was 20 years old at this time.
The spring above the pedal is an assist spring, but it travels over center in both directions. Down and up.
the throwout bearing could be getting hung a bit. I have seen where the clutch rod has gone thru the clutch fork and have to weld up the back side of the fork or bent fork.