Hi guys & gals, Just signed on to what looks like a great site. I have a 74 maverick and two days ago I got ahold of a 302 engine that I hope to drop in,I'm sure I will encounter all kinds of problems, so any help in that department will be much appreciated. Happy to be here, chauffeur
Welcome aboard! Seems like there must be more Mavericks available than I had thought, as people keep posting that "Hey I just bought a ...". Good luck with your mods.
You'll find all the info on the 302 swap here on the boards. Just search "302 swap" and that should get you started.
engine transfer Hi Guys' Today I am taking the engine out of a ford P/U (a 302) I will do a overhaul on and then drop it into my 74 mav, can some one give me any ideas on the bits and pieces I will need to buy to accomplish this lofty goal. Thanks, Mike
You'll need a front sump oil pan/pickup if your car was not originally a v8 you'll need at the very least a set of v8 maverick frame stands.The v8 cars also had a specific trans crossmember(double humped-for twin exhaust pipes)and a "belly bar" which looks about like a piece of exhaust pipe w/both ends flatten to bolt to the frame behind the oilpan sump(the belly bar is a reinforcement to keep the v8 torque from deflecting the frame)If you're just gonna cruise,the belly bar isn't a big deal.A pretty stout motor and regular beatings WILL cause frame damage w/o the bar.The tranny crossmember,you can still run dual pipes w/o the v8 part,but one side will have to dip down(hang down)a bit to clear the member.The 6cyl throttle cable will work,but you'll have plenty left,the v8 part is shorter.You've got a '74,so you're ok on the supension(5-lug,bigger brakes)and if the car came w/v8 or 250 six the springs will work the same,200 springs will let the front down a bit w/a v8.If it had a 250 & you still got the trans,it will bolt up behind the v8,200 bell is smaller & won't work.BTW,the 5th digit in the vin tells what it came with; F-302 T-200 L-250 Hope this helps.