:bananaman Yes,,, The Prototype will be ready Friday,,, So all those who need the rear Valences,,They will be coming to market with in a week or so,,,,,,, I will post pics,,,and should have the final cost per Unit,,, these are the rear Valences,,, the front Valence and Stone guard are suposed to be ready for Prototype in 2 weeks,,, Joe
well your gonna love these things,,,,No rusting,,,No denting,,, easy to repair if it gets scuffed up,,
I got mine back from the paint guy like 13 years agn the tow back to home the old six cyl muffler fell down. It was dark nobody noticed. It bent my valance. I left it that. I was so pissed. Glad this one will be dent resistance.
Do you have any pics available of them, or a link to where they were originally posted?? I might be interested
vallance i need a rear one too, and a grabber hood. no carbon fiber stuff. metal..... anyone got one?
The Grabber Hood is some thing we are looking at making,, we have been messing around with the tooling,, The inside part of the hood (structure) we are working the buggs out,,, after that we will look into making the tooling for the outer sheet metal part,, We are not sure of the Time frame It a huge under taking,, But it will be done in metal,, Joe
I was told I should be receiving pic on the rear valences today or latest tomorrow,,, Front Valence is not to far off as well as the front stone guard,,, Joe