While I do like them, I'm not sure I'd say I love them. My wife might disagree with my statement though.
This obsession started at the age of 4, when I asked my dad what was the name of the sporty and funky car across the street. He said: That's a Maverick! Those cars run hard! Always wanted to know how it felt to drive one, you know, flooring the pedal as you hear the squealing of the tires, then bang the gears while listening the grunt of a V8. It just gets better every time!
To me, they are so ugly they're cute. They do grow on you real fast, and now I would not trade mine for anything
Can't say that I've ever thought of a Maverick as being ugly. There are some ugly ones out there, no doubt. But a nice small bumpered Maverick is a good looking car with clean lines in my eyes.
Jamie MilesCan't say that I've ever thought of a Maverick as being ugly. There are some ugly ones out there, no doubt. But a nice small bumpered Maverick is a good looking car with clean lines in my eyes. it's O.K. buddy, he didn't mean it. ..see what you've done, you're going to make Jamie, ...JFF...
I never really considered having a Maverick, even though my family had one between 1970 and 1980. All being said and done, it;s a pretty neat "little" car - they have definitely grown on me. Chris
Someone's opinion of the car I like has no bearing on my personal thoughts of the car. And I know he was not trying to put the cars down. I was just stating my underlying thoughts in response to it being an ugly(ish) car. I could honestly care less if someone thinks it's the ugliest car ever made. I have my own thoughts on what cars are ugly, I'm sure people on forums for those cars could care less. I don't drive a Maverick to make anyone else happy.
Nope... not putting it down at all. Always been a Ford guy. Before I saw the silver Mav in the mag a few months ago, the thought of owning one never would have crossed my mind. Now I own one, am hooked on this forum and love my ugly little 71. Once I'm done with her, she'll be beautiful!!