Definitely looks to be part of the seatbelt interlock system, though I've never seen a black one. Does your car have a button just in front of the drivers side shock tower?
not sure ill have to look, its not my car, its a friends what kinda button? we seen something in between the windshild washer and shock tower wires running to and from it?
It's like a rectangular metal box with a red rubber button on top. Has a plug that plugs into the bottom with 3 or 4 wires going to it. It would be located between the windshield washer and shock tower. The button is for a mechanic to bypass the interlock system.
Yeah, my 75 had the interlock and didn't have cats... So there must be a mid-year change. My car has the early gauges too... I think later ones got the later style gauges. Eddie must have a 75 1/2! Fwiw, my car was built in March or April 75... Forgot which.