Latest update... Located a new gas tank, tho this one won't have a sensor either, so gas gauge will still always read empty. Fingers crossed that this and carb replacement can be done in a week.
Well the new gas tank we thought we found fell thru. So now I need a tank for a 72 Mav sedan. Philly area. Any thoughts?
PS - Saw on eBay a new gas tank designed to meet the specs for a 76 Mav. Would that work as is on a 72? If not, could it be modified?
I believe it will fit but I think it will have a different shape to it, I think up to 74 they had an angled bottom and 75 on up had a big rectangular bottom. I've read before that the bigger ones come close to the lower rear valence panel on a small bumper car but it's not nothing serious
Did you put any gas in the car? If you did and it ran great, then it might be you fuel tank pick up. But It dose sound like a fuel pump to me. If you put a new pump on it and it runs good your done. But if dose the same thing I would pull the sending unit and remove the filter from pick up tube and put in back in the tank(our just buy a new one) and see if it runs . Let us know what the out come is.
I've fueled it once since purchase. And only took it out in the neighborhood. After she stalled out, the fuel filter was clogged w/ rust and crap from the tank. Right now, we're looking for a replacement tank, or someone who refurbishes/relines old tanks. No luck so far. I called the restorer, and he gave me a lead on a guy who might have a tank. My local mechanic has been leaving messages for a guy who refurbishes tanks. Fingers crossed.