Is it possible to change the mav to a diesel? What’s the largest diesel engine I could fit under the hood?
diesel your not supposed to drink the bong water!! maybe try the diesel from a VW rabbit any others would requre alot of mods to the front end there to big and to heavy!!
I think VW, Mercedes and Volvo make a diesel that would fit under there!! Most diesels are huge and heavy compared to a gas motor and you would have a hard time making one fit. At the least, I think it would have to come out of a car and they usually are not that powerful. Why would you want to do this? It sounds cool but not very practical. If you decide to do this you better post pictures here!! A Power Stroke would be awesome (good luck getting that to fit).
Why? Why would anyone even consider that? At least here in NC, diesel is not any cheaper than cheap unleaded gas. So cost savings can't be a valid reason. Why would anyone even think of it? I just don't get it. Slant 6's, GM motors and diesels in the midst of the best availability of small block Ford performance parts ever. And it is a heck of a lot cheaper to build HP in a Ford than it was 10 years ago. If you switch to a fuel injected 5.0 setup with a 5 spd. or AOD you will get great fuel economy. Why? Why would anyone even dream this idea up? Seth
I would'nt go as far as to completly condem his idea.Myself having a mid 15 sec 7000lb. Dodge diesel that gets 20mpg,I found that after doing one thing to it it gets as addictive as all other projects.Though the only diesel engine i can think of that may fit and have readily available perfomance parts would be a VW TDI. engine out of the newer VW's.But even that would be hard to do considering you have to change the trans for a rear wheel drive set up instead of the front wheel that the VW.TDI engine coplies with............With all this said I myself would go with a 331 or 408 Turbo engine.If it was difference you were trying to acheive..........
I want to change the motor to a diesel so I can run organic fuel in the Maverick… The car will mainly be a show car for a friends company. It really need to know about how much work I’m looking at. So VW should have some decent torque? So beyond the engine…. In terms of suspension what would be the best way to go about this?… I was still wanting the rear wheel drive….and being able to switch to 4x4 would be a dream…
AARRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I still don't get it. Go find a Fiero or something else worthless to mutilate. Irritated Seth
I think Seth might need a presciption for some "Happy pills" Famous Quote: "If you have to ask the price you can't afford it" This could easily be applied to a lot of the wacky questions we have been getting on here lately: "If you have to ask....then you wouldn't know how to do it if we told you". You might as well be asking how to hook a Mule up to your car and pull it around like a carriage. each his own.
Sometimes I wish I had a mule to hitch to some of the cars I've owned. Pushing them around by people power sucks.
It was just an idea…. There’s no way I would actually want to do it…. I wanted to know if it were possible… Is it possible to just have the maverick body snap on to a diesel frame? I’m just asking questions…
I don't see why it would not be possible to cut the body and basically install it on a 3/4 or 1-ton chassis. There are some 4x4 mud runners around here that have done some crazy stuff like that, the most famous was a '63 Chevy II on a modified '95 F250 4x4 chassis. I've seen it, but it's always in the same spot. I guess it was either never finished or maybe there was a problem with it that rendered it undriveable, who knows. Anything's possible! An open mind goes a long way!
I'm not condeming your idea. I would like to run my truck on bio diesel if it was feasable,but the lack of a supplier in my area is the main reason. " I wanted to know if it were possible… " The differance between the impossible and the possible, is that the impossible takes alittle longer and cost more money. Is a diesel engine in a Maverick possible?... HELL YES, is it easy? well... thats another story. Russ
I feel better... ..I found this site; I still don't understand why anyone would even fathom the idea of turning a Maverick into a smoke belching rattling and knocking bucket of bolts. But, I feel better. Seth