i did a search on the subject and all i could find were "what do I need?" threads. i think ive already got those bases covered since ive got a drag link, pitman arm and gear box comming shortly. i was just a little curious as to whats involved in pulling out the old power stuff and replacing it with the manual pieces.
It's a very "NOT FUN" job. It will be much better if you have a lift to put it on. I've done it with and without a lift. Won't happen without a lift again. :16suspect
I did it in my shop using jack stands with the engine out. Wasn't a hard job at all. You'll need a pitman arm puller and maybe a ball joint pickle fork to loosen the rod ends. I reused the power steering box too.
It's not all that bad if you have the proper tools, a pickle fork to split the tierods, a impact wrench makes taking out the steering box bolts easier. With a I6 or the engine out, the box comes out easy, but I had to pull the master cylinder off as well as the drivers side header on the 302 to get it out. I swapped an entire unit from a donor car, but like you have already found out, all you have to have is the manual center link and manual pittman arm. I used the manual box because I never could get the pittman arm off of either box....just flattened the end of my puller. EDIT: Forgot to mention that you will want to get the front end as high as possible with jackstand or a lift, you will be crawling under the car at least once or twice....
Im currently converting from PS to MS. The stuff came out easy. Just waiting on my last part to come UPS to complete it. I know whatever I do, I will have to take it in for an alignment as I also did a complete front end re-build. Wheels are cambering abit. Steering will be abit off too eventhough I will try my best.
Are you using this part to convert? My manifold and cylinder and pump are shot. Thats why I am doing this. I looked into rack and pinion. That is $1800 though. Way too much
since a v8 swap is also on the agenda i was going to swap in the manual stuff while the engine bay is vacant. i dont know when i'll be getting around to it but once all the PS stuff is out you'll be seeing it in the F/S section
It was not a difficult swap, I actually swapped in PS, the back to MS. Thinking about a manual rack as well, need to go rob a tempo, size looks right
I do. Im going to try to reuse my PS box tho. So to go from PS to Manual I need the center link and manual pitman arm only? this is on my 75. Thanks
http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=28363&highlight=easier+manual+box Scooper reasearched a lot about this. Check out the thread.