Getting ready to pull the 6-cylinder out. Has anyone rented a Hot Water Pressure Washer to blast out the engine compartment and get it cleaned up for paint. Is there a better or easier Method? Figure I'll rent it and blast the entire engine compartment, undercarriage and front supsension areas before paint. THanks ...
Invite the folks from Home Shopping Network over and have them demo the hand-held steam cleaner. We all know it works on toilets, grout and the kitchen sink. Put in to a real test. Just kidding.
d, i use oven cleaner. if you don't care if the paint and all come off. get the cheap( buck a can) unsented kind. it is stronger. foam it on and let it set, wash it off with a water hose. j.m.o...frank... p.s. the chair makes it look like the car is in the kitchen.
Yeah - I have heard of Oven Cleaner. Don't car about the paint - I just ordered the EastWood UnderHood Black kit to black the whole thing out before dropping the 302/Toploader in ...
Im with Frank on the oven cleaner. I would use the Castrol purple cleaner and elbow grease initially and then hit the hard spots with the oven cleaner
71 Gold is right on the cheap oven cleaner. I get mine from Family Dollar for --- you guessed it $1 a can. If the paint is not real tight, the oven cleaner will strip it off. The pressure washer helps out and makes the job go a lot faster than a regular hose. I have never rented a hot water pressure washer before, but I have a small electric washer that works well with greasy stuff if I hook the hose straight to my hotwater tank or to the faucet in my garage and only feed the washer hot water. Cleaver
Hot Water thru pressure washer Cleaver? have you ran hot water thru your pressure washer much without any problems? I thought about piggybacking off my hot water heater to do that but was told the hot water would mess up the pump somehow on a pressure washer not built for hot water. Mine is gas powered (2400 psi I think). Anyone else ran hot water though theirs without problems or know if it will mess up the pump. Thanks
I run hot water (125 degrees) through mine all the time...been doin it for over a year now with no probs...its a gas powered Wally World special.
Kelly - I run my hot water tank through mine a several times a year. My washer is a 1700 psi Harbor Freight electric. I haven't had any problems. My tank is somewhere around 110-115 degrees. I never thought of that kind of temp doing any harm. I guess it could if the motor couldnt dissapate enough heat on its own. I know there is a big difference in the amount of grease 115 degree water will take vs. 50 degree water straight from the well. It also dries a lot faster using hot water. I don't want to tell you to go ahead and do this to your washer - each person has his own level of comfort in using his own tools - but it works for me. Besides - I've got a reputation for demanding the most out of my stuff. Dedicated hot water pressure washers run temps over 200 degrees - so they are really true steam cleaners. I'm sure they have some dedicated parts to make this happen. Cleaver
You prolly thought of this........ I used lye on mine...........just don't get it on you.. (OUCH) Just mix it up in a sprayer with water.......and it'll eat anything. Get really hot though, And before I painted it, I sprayed the whole thing down with Carb. cleaner. Gets rid of the grease, and evaporates off of there. Just a thought.........Country
Yep, I liked the oven cleaner on mine. I just sprayed and let it soak. I let it soak all the way to the car wash that is. I didnt want the mess near the house, so I dolly'ed the car to one of those do-it-youself car washes. The hot high pressure rinse make no work out of the oil / grease / dirt combination. Also, if you are an enviroment guy, they recycle the waste water there and seperate the oil etc. The owner didnt seem to care. Just got a few raised eyebrows from some of the customers...
I used a pressure washer with hot water running through it. Does a great job but it is rather messy!!!