Hello to all, My name is J.R. and I'm the promoter for the Flashlight Drags®. I will be hosting these events locally in Central Illinois and possibly the whole state. I just got approval for June 7th 2008. This date June 7th will be held at the Pekin Municiple Airport 13906 Airport Lane Pekin Illinois 61554. More dates in July, August and September are pending airport approval ( this means we can't be heathins). I will be passing fliers out so if your see me at car shows or cruise- in and see me sportin the Flashlight Drags® shirt say hi.Were almost there many months of hard work will make for a safe and fun summer for all of us.There will be food and lots of fun.NO ALCOHOL........(beverages) This is the original Flashlight Drags® .All rules are on are web site.Please feel free to email me and go to our web site at . www.flashlightdrags.com Thank you, J.R. firebird1967@sbcglobal.net
i was checking out this site earlier and mentioned to JR that some of the guys here might be intrested. i 'd go if it was anywhere in my neck of the woods
Flashlight Drags Yes they have a good time there . My boys have been hitting it when they are close. We went to ebensburg one day and watched . Everybody around locally was running, moms ,dads and the kids . Had a huge selection and Era of cars when we went. Cam
I was going to say something about that. I have a buddy that races a red & silver Dodge diesel at those events in Pa, suprises alot of people.
Diesel Yes KillerComet I have seen a Few Mo-Power Diesel pickups running at these. The boy runs his Ricer.. 91 Nissan 240SX fb . These young ones Luv the Rice lol ! Hes aching for a Turbo now ! Cam
me and my friend are pulling the engine out of his '91 nissan 240 tomorrow matter of fact. he's ordering a brand new turbo engine for it, a SR20-something?
Yeah i get kind of Lost in the Rice talk ! The boy ,Now 17 is a total fanatic and just rambles on and on ,i sometimes start to squint my eyes tring to keep up with his conversations ! lol Good thing is they are 100% car crazy and have a ball so i cant complain. Suppose its all in the Blood ! Cam
Thanx guys for helping get me here. I hope that some local mavs will be here. you can also go directly to www.flashlightdrags.com Thnx J.R.
Today I just got word that the FAA Is not going to let us RACE.The only reason I posted this was that Pekin Airport Board said it was a go. The problem is the FAA won't allow our airport to close even though it is seldom used. The city of Pekin gets alot of your tax money to keep it open go figure now you can't use it.... As you can tell I'm very frustrated and I apologize for getting you all worked up for nothing. Please write your local congress men and be heard..... Again I'm sorry, J.R.