1970, your really look good...I am growing to like the bumpers painted to match the car. Of course, Chrome is KING, but I don't have the finances to have them redone and I needed to do something to prevent further pitting and to prevent rust from setting in.
Have you gotten estimates for rechorming? What kinda costs are we looking at? Any straightening envolved?
I painted mine because the chrome was pitted and didn't have the time to get them done before a show we were going to. I really liked the look and never changed it.
I voted with Terry.....it all depends on the look you want. I am partial to painted (body color)....the main reason I did it at first was because I had a fiberglass front bumper......but after the fact, I think it looks way better than chrome would. JMO.
I voted color other than body color, Just because you said you were low in the finance dept. If $$$ were not a problem I would always go with Chrome, I think that bumpers and trim on a car should always be CHROME. However if you don't have the $$$ Cha-ching I vote that you paint them flat/semigloss black. The guy that built my 70 V8 didn't have means to get the bumpers rechromed (no shop to do it in our area at the time) and he painted them Semigloss black and I think they looked good on that car. No where near as good as nice brite shiny chrome mind you but I still think the semigloss black went really well with the dark blue, and the semigloss black taillight panel and hoodscoop.
I put body color for small bumpers, but for big bumpers I think if you are keeping them big then you are probably going for more of an original look, so shiny chrome, though someone on here has a dark red one that has the big bumper slid inwards and it looks freaking fantastic in body color.
I like chrome, satin or gloss black, or body color. I would love to rechrome my bumpers, but until I can afford it I think the black looks excellent. I tried flat black and wasn't too thrilled with it, but I love the color they are now:
so, I have a weird one. I have a crome rear bumper and a painted front bumper ( same color as car) I like the look of a rear crome and painted front, I could not decide what theme to go with so, I did them both. LOL