I was replacing the rear shcks on my 71 grabber and found a big problem. On the drivers side where the shock bracket mounts to the car there is a substaintial crack. How serious is this and how d i fix it. i see no rust just a large crack????
air shocks have been know to rip things apart in these cars. you didnt have those did you? some pics might help but im guessing somethings going to need to be welded together
Theres not much up there, you'll have to get it welded, did it rip out from one of the bolt holes? You may have to find a way to get a nut welded in there, since the shock mounts use a self tapping bolt.
If it was me, I'd remove the back seat cushions and weld a gusset in from the inside to re-inforce the area where the shock mounts to. Then I'd go back underneath and lay a bead where it cracked to repair it.