i found this '96 5.0 explorer and '99 5.0 montanier at the local u-pull. i took pics of the emission tags to help ID the engine and year are these the gt-40 heads i should get? i thought gt40's were aluminum, would aluminum rust like that? heres the explorer and the 99 merc, both engines looked exactly the same
so i ran a few searches and seen scoopers P heads. these definatly wernt P's judging by the spark plug angle. his p's looked like they stuck straight out, there were slanted just like on my 77 heads. i guess i had my doubts at the time cause i was expecting aluminum
Im pretty sure the 99 is gt40p and unless thay been changed the 96 should be. Thay are real good heads. And the intake is as good as a gt40 intake. Im not sure but i think scooper just over ported his and went into a water jacket. Stock for stock their as good as a gt40. And thay are cast iron.
Look at the bars I think the heads are non-P until mid year 98, then P. Could be wrong. Best way to tell is look at either end of the head, and see how many "bars" there are. 3 bars is non-P GT40, 4 bars is P. See pic below...
Here is another pic with the plugs in, Ps on top... Another thing you can look for is at the far right on each head, you can see "GT" cast onto the head, see pic, far right side. P heads have "GTP" cast on them. You cannot see the GTP on this picture, but it is in the same place as the GT on the bottom head.
or better choice ----> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DOOE...005QQitemZ150232234205QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
Hard to tell for sure from the angle of your pic, but I would guess that they are non-P. That and the fact that they are from the earlier year model. Just be sure to double check the number of bars and/or the GT or GTP casting marks. On the P heads, the plug almost points right at the header bolt hole on the same cylinder, but on non-P heads, they point at the header bolt hole of the next cylinder over, so your pic makes it look like they are non-P heads. You will be pleased with the performance of them if you get them. I got my Ps for $300, and both sets of non-Ps for $200 a set, so don't let them overcharge you. I do think I got a deal on the non-Ps. I would think that $300 a set is a fair price. In fact, I have seen several Explorer motors, complete with heads, for $300, but they had the P heads, so I let them pass.
im hoping the guy working the counter at the u-pull doesnt even know enough to know what they are to charge me that much lol after seeing them in person i feel pretty confident theyre non-p but ill investigate further