ok i am going to try and describe this the best i can. wanting to get the car running, so was time for a tune up well changed the spark plugs and what not, and it ran a little smoother it seemed (the old ones were covered in carbon, from what i can tell means im runnin rich) well then i replaced the distributor cap and rotor and it started running garbage. so i went back to the old pieces and its still runnin like garbage not sure if this will be necesary for diagnosis but i have a pertronix ignition well anyway i will best try to describe how the car is running.. its like almost a cycle of rev slow rev slow like RRRRRRrrrrrRRRRRRrrrr it basically makes it where when i put it in drive at idle it moves forward a bit, then stops, then moves forward a bit, then stops sorry for the hard to diagnose description, i just am doin the best with my limited knowledge
So basically you are saying the idle is surging? How does it run when you rev it up or drive it? Is it physically running rough (engine shaking), or just the idle going up and down? I would check to see that you didn't accidentally knock a vacuum line loose somewhere. Also check your PCV valve, be sure that it rattles when you shake it.
idle surging definitly sounds like the right idea. and yes the engine does shake a bit. i know this sounds dumb, but wat is the pcv valve and where is it
Positive Crankcase Ventilation It should be plugged into your valve cover. It helps the crankcase breathe, when It gets clogged it can cause the problem you are describing.
It's actually Positive Crankcase Ventilation, but yea Eddie is right. They are so cheap, I usually just replace them regardless if I don't know how old they are.
well i just went out there, the vaccum lines are good, and the pvc valve is rattling when i shake it. any other ideas? you asked does the engine shake, and yes it does? wat would that indicate the problem is
Well, it could indicate the problem is a lot of things. My first guess was vacuum leak. I would check to be sure the firing order is right next.
Mike; open your plug gap up to .044, and it should run a bit better, if all the other things are in order.
how do i check the firing order, my distributor cap has numbers and the spark plugs are coming from the block to thier corresponding numbers. so umm yah wat do i do
Look for a misplaced, loose, or damaged plug wire... It was running good before you messed with the cap and rotor, now it is running bad with ANY cap/rotor. Therefore, you messed up some wiring... Unless the distributor was loose and bumped out of time while you were working on this stuff.
well the truth is it was running crappy, then i changed the plugs, same old wires, and it ran much better. then i changed the cap and rotor and it ran crappy, so i went back to the old cap and rotor (thought it seemed logical) and it still ran crappy. sorry for all the questions guys, i know i probably dont sound like i have much buisness around a car, but gotta start somewhere
You will have to re-check the firing order. #1 on the cap goes to the front plug on the passenger side. The cylinders are numbered front to rear on the passenger side 1, 2, 3, 4 and on the driver's side 5, 6, 7, 8. The 302 firing order is 1, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, 7, 8. If it has the 351 firing order it is 1, 3, 7, 2, 6, 5, 4, 8. Depending on the cam you are using it could be either.