Hey guys ( and gals) worked on the mav on saturday. I installed an electric fan from the 3.8 tauras ( sorry have no clue how to spell it ). Now I'm just waiting for the 100 amp alt and relays to come in so I can finish it. I cant belive how simple it really was. I just pulled the radiator and cut the fan to fit, drilled a few holes and bolted the fan to the radiator. Worked so well it might pass as a factory item to the general pop. Next project is to change the rear end to a 9".
I just tried again but wont let me load my pics, it still says my files are too big. I dont understand why they are just pics.
If you are running Windows download and install the image re-sizer. Resize the images and upload them http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/Microsoft-Image-Resizer.shtml
I open my pics with "paint" and then go to "stretch/skew" in the menu. There it will have 2 boxes with a default number of "100%" in each. You can put whatever value you want in there, just make sure to put the same number in both boxes. If you put "50" in the boxes, it will cut the size of your images in half. My camera is set to take such large pics that I have to cut them down to 20-25% most of the time to get the site to take them. When you are done, do a "save as" and name it what you want, and put it where you want. I usually name mine the same as the full pic, but with an "E" at the end, for "edited". Also, make sure to "save as" a "jpg" file... Some cameras want to save as a proprietary file type, or bitmap (bmp). The bitmap will be a much larger file, and the others probably won't be recognized by the site. Good luck Dave
Here are step by step instructions of how to resize pictures http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=28499
Wow! That looks pretty involved compared to using the 'stretch/skew' in a program that comes stock on most computers.
He hosted the pic somewhere other than this forum, then linked to it in his post. Some places allow much larger pics than this site.
.... I kinda think when people say this, that they don't know themselves, or it's easier to say that then say "I don't know", or just not reply at all ...sorry for my 2 cents