and the car is moving under it's own power I drove it to the end of the neighborhood and back and I heard it lock and unlock but I haven't taken it out of the subdivision to see if she'll light up both rear tires or not. I got it put in yesterday and I wanted to give everything (permatex, locktite and everything time) to set before I mash down on the gas. not to mention I have to replace a buggered up shock bolt. The bolt that holds the top of one of the rear shocks is buggered up ( came loose ) and needs to be replaced before I take the car out and put her through a pounding. I actually think I am going to drive it locally around home for a couple days after I get that bolt replaced, then drive it to work for a day or two and if she holds up to that then down to the track she goes. BTW Does anyone know off the top of their head what size bolt hold the top of the rear shock in one these Mavericks??
I am so mad at myself for not replacing it while I was under the car. Dad and I noticed it when we were installing the Powertrax locker and we were going to run to the hardware and pick one up and replace it while we had the car already up in the air but I had the rest of the family coming over for dinner and Dad and I were kind of rushing to get cleaned up before they got there and we forgot about the shock bolt. Hopefully I can get home tonight and pull the old one and get to a hardware store and get a replacement before they close. That is one thing I hate about working until 6:00, by the time I get off and get home most stores are closed up so it makes it hard to get anything done during the week nights.
So, how do you like the powertrax? Is it one that clicks around turns? I was looking into it before i got cheap and went with the spool. But as far as posi setups, that was at the top of my list.
I won't be sure about how I like it until I get that shock bolt fixed. I only drove the car to the end of my subdivision and remembered that I hadn't replaced that bolt and I didn't want to rip anything loose so I turned around and parked the car and am not going to drive it until I get that bolt replaced. hopefully I can replace it tonight and drive it a little bit after I get some grass cutting done. Yest I think it will probably click when I make a U turn and when parking and such but just from what I heard driving it in the subdivision yesterday it isn't loud enough that you would notice it with a decent radio on and a set of good dual exhaust you prolly won't here it at all inside the car
That sounds good! I am thinking of building up a 9" at this point, and next one will have some sort of posi, not a spool. So, keeping my eyes and options open!
well I drove the car to work today and took it down a lonesome back road last night. I didn't get on it really hard but I did light the rear tires up and they both hooked up makes a big difference in take of I think. The Powertrax that I installed is the 1810LR which is the original one. It does click and pop. That doesn't bother me and with the windows rolled up and the loud exhaust it is hard to hear it clicking when you make a slow turn. Now when I got to work this morning I had to park on the roof of the parking garage and you can definetly hear the racheting when making the sharp turns inside the parking garage. I don't think it will be very noticable once I get a stereo in the car but for now it isn't loud but you can hear it. This is the one that I bought and installed This is the upgraded version that is supposed to eliminate the clicking noise, or at least minimize it. The one I bought replaces the spider gears and you use your own side gears. I am pretty sure that the second one I am pretty sure replaces the side gears and the spider gears and is supposed to be a lot quieter