Well guy and Gals ,i went to get the money for the Tea'sgrabber sale,had to wait 2 days for my bank to get all that U.S cash ,no worries . Now the real problem ,the reg and title cant be found, and it may take five weeks to get a new reg and title. Oh ,well im going to wire him (todd )1500.00 U.S today in good faith that the car is mine and i will wait. Oh well, s h i t happens, good things come to thoughs that wait,right . CHEERS Jimmy2gates
houston ,we have a problem well folks ,great news ,it apears that Todd has some pull ,because he has department of national defence clearance ,the folks at the motor vehical branch got him reg and tiile in the same day ,so back to the origanal plan,pay for it tomorrow and pick it up next weekend.cheers ,i like it when a good plan comes together. Cheers Jimmy2gates
tea's grabber is mine Well folks ,its done . I just paid for her ,now i have to wait for the title and reg and hand that in to the canadian border for 72 hrs . then when its cleared drive down to seattle with the trailer next week and pic her up ,ill tell you IM EXCITED TO GET HER HERE and yes i will take pics of her before and after my mods ,simlpe stuff ,like put my weld draglites on her ,put the 2 core aluminum rad in her ,and (maybe ,and i say maybe put my brand new 347 stroker in her and plum in her nos ). cheers Jimmy2gates