todays big achievment having the front end a mile in the air on jack stands didnt help but i was too stubborn to try to do anything about it. did it all myself too. it was raining a little so none of my whimpy friends wanted to put in work this weekend im going to scrub out the entire engine bay and paint it and then start making moves on the 302. it seemed like every thing wanted to get hung up on the core support, the waterpump, the crank pulley, even the oil drain plug got cought. i did manage to F up the tranny cooler lines. i'd probably have to rebend new ones anyway to clear the 302
Did you know that engine hoists are designed to test the tensile strength of every thing you forgot to disconnect.Lots of work to do in the rain on the ground by your own darn self.Good job tony,cant wait to see that baby with the 302 between the towers!!!
well ive been waiting on my friend to get my hoiest back to me. i dont have a truck so i had to wait on him. brought work to a stand still for a few days. but in the mean time i tripple checked everything and i managed to get everything unhooked. i knew i should hav got those trans lines but i thought id be able to guide them out. well on the way out i forgot they were there and they got driven into the frame mount. by the time he finally got around to bringing the lift back to me today i was so inpatient the sprinkles of rain and working alone didnt stop me from getting the job done!
Sometimes waiting for tools and such is a good thing(makes you take your time)Trans line arent a biggie anywhoo,just be sure to keep the fittings in case you need to match something up later.Now go scrub so we can see that 302 in there
yup. tweet66 is hooking me up with a pan, carb, intake and pulleys. hitting up autozone this weekend for the distributer. got a few gaskets to get and i should be game. one thing i still need to find is the right flywheel. 50oz 157t
You should be able to get that new in any good parts store or direct from a ford dealer or ford motorsnorts.
Tony, where did you get your motor mounts or frame stands for the 302 im not sure what there called? I cannot find them anywhere in my area and can't wait to slap my 302 in. Looks like your doing good even though your working solo, i know that feeling. Can't wait to see the pics after your done.
Thanks man. im iching to lay down some rubber in this bad boy you can get the frame mounts new here or used from a member of the forum easily enough the rubber motor mounts can be had through your local parts store. you need both the frame and motor mounts
some non-cell phone pics 8) under the battery tray :? i scrubed the hell out of the back corner of the engine bay, got it clean as could be and then took some rattle can gloss black rustoleum to it. with another coat it should look pretty good also gave the trans a bath too
Tony - nice to see the progress on your conversion. And also nice to know my old 302 is finally going to be put to good use!
Good work. You need friends with some cojones. Where'd you get that valve cover btw.? I gotta find a replacement, mine's warped and leaks like a sieve. Jason
i got it from jcwhittney(sp?).com its pretty crappy tho. thin, not the best quality of chrome... check out, they'll have the best 6cyl stuff