Well, first we need a guy with a street legal, registered and insured Mav that runs low nines, at least. We got anybody here that fits that description? I too would love to see a Mav make it in.
Are we talking about 1/8 mile or 1/4 mile? Street legal, registered and insured Maverick running low nines...... That is a lot of HP for any street car if we are talking 1/4 mile times.
This is a 1/4 mile event. Last years final matchup came down to a Hemi powered Dodge and a small block New Gen Camaro. The winning time was low 9's. Oh and by the way... the Camaro won it on a hole shot!! These cars are crazy fast! You are only allowed to run at a level that your car is at that meets NHRA safety rules. Some cars are running blowers of some kind, but most are on spray. A LOT OF SPRAY!!!!
You have to drive to the track,30+ miles from comp cams hq as group your hood is sealed if you stop or break down you are DQed
So, what you are saying is that light cars with low compression engines fitted with 250 - 400 hp nitrous kits are the ones that can compete. It would be hard to get a Maverick with no booster to a level that would be competetive. A 351W with a blower might work - if you could drive it the thirty miles without overheating.
No not really. Last year there was a 2 ton Olds running a big block and the biggest Pro-Charger I have ever seen. Low nines. And the guy driving... was way over the 300lb weight mark!! Light has nothing to do with it. Got a heavy car... add power. There was a 67 Mustang fastback, 351w motor with 2- Paxton/Vortech units. When he hooks he runs 8's. There was a turboed Viper. He was DQ'd for missing a check point on the 30 mile drive. They did allow him to make an exhibition pass though between rounds. ran mid 8's!!! All of these cars made the 30 mile drive without issue, all licsenced and all street legal, and running this quick on 93 octane pump gas!! If you're ever in Memphis when this event is on, you gotta see it for yourself. The event is this Saturday provided it does not get rained out. I will let you guys know what I see and take some pics of some of the rides.
Seems like I remember a couple of Chevy-powered Fords there. That Fairmont sure was an ugly bastard though... Given what happened to the weather Saturday, it looked like God might have been preparing to smite it.
Yep... and remenber the sn95 green Mustang. Small block Chevy under the hood. This kind of action should be outlawed!!!! And he lost. Serves him right.