after finding out everything i need to know about installing a efi motor in my car i decided not to because i cant go 2 weeks without my only way of transportation. what i need to is what parts i need to buy and what parts i can get off the car i take the motor from. so i read the article about swaping a late model 302 in to a maverick, and out of those parts which ones can i go get out of the junkyard out of an older 302 and which one out of the mustang i get the motor out of (probably around a 90 model), and which parts will i have to buy? I also didnt understand all about the balance and what i have to do with the flexplate and all that.
If you get a EFI engine, you basicly strip it down to the block and heads and then retro fit the older parts to the newer 302. (manifold, distributor etc etc) Do what you can to keep the reverse rotation water pump and serpentine belt setup. Flywheels, they have a 164 tooth, large bellhousing and a 154 tooth, small bellhousing. Mostly anything newer than 83 had a 50 OZ balance instead of the 28 OZ 1980 and older. if it has a AOD,, it will have the 164 tooth, 50 OZ. So it depends on which tranny you put behind it. I used a old C4 and it took the smaller flexplate to work. (154tooth 50 OZ) My engine was from a 1988 model. Hope this helps a little.
i have a c4, so i will need the small bellhousing? would i have to buy that flex plate or is there a model that has the 154 tooth 50 oz? will this mean i wont have to do anything else about the different balance. what can you do to keep the reverse rotation water pump and serpentine belt? does anybody know which parts i can get out of a junk yard and still be ok to use and which ones i MUST buy or would be easier to buy than try to fix, clean, or rebuild?
the long block going in my car came from a EFI mustang fox so im dealing with alot of these issues. i already had a v8 bell housing but i had to buy a 157 T 50 oz flywheel, duraspark dizzy that worked with the stock system, front sump oil pan, accesory brackets and i still need to buy a carb/intake. the block, heads and harmonic balancer is really the only pieces i kept. i put on an older timing cover though so i could run a mechanical fuel pump and im going with a standard rotation waterpump to match
i dont already have the right bellhousing, i was wondering if there was a year that had it that i could go pull it from.
JD71,, I used the stock late model alternator and the bracket, which also holds the tension pulley. Its in its stock location on the right side of the engine,, on the elft side,, I got a long bolt, threaded into the head,, I took the older ford alternator added a spacer on the bolt to line it up with the belt,,, built a top bracket off the original AC bracket off the EFI engine,, I got a belt off a 91 chevy lumina with a 3.1V6 with AC which got me real close,,,, I had to remake a second adjuster to take up some slack,,,, but worked out super! I took the pulley off the smog pump,,,, redrilled it to fit on the older ford alternator so it has the serpentine pulley,,, you will have to add an electric fuel pump,, since the new style timing covers dont have the place for the fuel pump. I might have a picture of the when it was EFI and now back to carb,,,,, hope this helps.
Would that be somethin i needed to buy new or would it be ok out of the junk yard? Is there any model car i can get the bell housing and flexplate off of?