I was looking at some pixs on my puter and remembered I had a bone to pick. Canton makes a main stud gridle (351W) that according to them requires no machining, even for stroker motors, bolts right in. Now, while this might be true for a stock crank and some aftermarket oil pump, it's not true for a stroker motor. Oil pump, one main bolt, gridle and windage tray all had to be modified to work. Here are a few pix of my last rebuild, the mods were made two years ago. All mods made at home, so if I can do it you can too! Terry P.S. the wording in the oil pump picture should have read "wouldn't" sorry for the mis-spelling.
jmgford, thanks for the info, now people know that the CHP/Probe is a better way with less mods. New old engine Eddie. Not much has changed, fresh set of bearings, rocker arm girdle, electric water pump for the street and a nice new chrome one wire alt. Some new engine bay paint, new Mickey Sportsman tires front and rear, (for the street) still have my old new Mickeys from 2 years ago for the track. I almost forgot, new scoop badges and gas cap see pix attached Bossmav