I have a couple of questions for you guys.... 1. Would this harmonic balancer work OK on a 351W: http://www.autozone.com/R,APP793771...partType,00665/shopping/partProductDetail.htm 2. would the stock flexplate from the old 302 work on the 351 with the above balancer? The reason I ask is because the 302 flexplate has some weight balance pads tacked to it. Thanks, -Mark
you better just get 28oz balence damper and flexplate i dont know which 302s had 50oz imbalence some one on here does though
Be sure it has the correct number of bolts, is the same imbalance as the flexplate and that the imbalance matches the crank imbalance, and if you just spend a little more, you can get a high performance balancer that will likely be up to the task of a higher spinning engine. I just bought this one 50 oz imbalance for my 5.0, only $70 off ebay...http://www.fastpts.com/cgi-bin/hazel-cgi/hazel.cgi?action=serve&item=ppdampers.html
Being that it's a 3 bolt balancer, it should be correct for a 351. BUT.......... also being a 3 bolt, your 4 bolt crank pulley isn't going to work
All 351Ws are 28 oz imbalance, same as 302s up to about 1981. The 3-bolt and 4-bolt pulleys share the same bolt circle diameter, one of the pullley holes will align with a damper bolt hole, then just drill two more holes in the pulley where you need them.
as far as I know Ford went to a 4 blot pully in 68 for all W engines. Every 351W I have seen has a 4 bolt pully. Cant say about the 351C engines. All 351Ws have a 28oz imballance so if you are using pre 1980 302 stuff you will be OK.
Pretty sure I have at least one three sheeve 351W pulley left. I'll have to check later this afternoon though. Same pulleys used on the 351C & 400's.
I have got a used Fluidamper w/28oz Ballance and 4 bolt pully mounting that I would sell for $150 + shipping.
Thanks guys... The new 351W is speced for a 69-74 model years. It has D00E casting heads and is between 8.0 and 8.5:1 compression ratio according to the builder. My dad will get in touch with the rebuilder to see what they recommend.
Could just get a Professional Products damper for $75. They come drilled for 3- & 4-bolt pulleys and use removeable counterweights to get 0, 28 oz, or 50 oz imbalance.