Anyone going ? Im planning on going up friday and racing and then showing sat. The wife is bringing her Comet as well.
I may be coming up with gageman and his brother(sans Mav) its currently apart.I look forward to meeting you and seein ya run the comet.Pete.
Great !! I look foward to seeing you guys again as well as meeting some new folks. I hope to be in the Maverick class this year and not stuck with the 60's Comets again. If so Ill just park with you guys as allways, I dont mind not being judged.
dang you guys are lucky people in your family don't schedule other things during Ford Carlisle. I will either be coming up late Saturday or early Sunday. so I will probably miss most of the good activities. My Dad planned our Family reunion Saturday sooooo I will either have to drive up after the reunion or wait and leave early Sunday morning. it's only about a 3 hour drive for me but still.... I wanted to come up saturday during the day. I probably won't be able to get a room for Saturday night at this late in the game but If My Bro-in-law wants to come I am going to ge thte wife to try hotwire and a few others to see if I can get a room somewhere within 30 - 40 minutes of Carlisle. I should know for sure tomorrow. How many of you are going to still be around Sunday Mornin around breakfast time? Say maybe 9:00am ?? If some of you are going to still be around I would like to maybe meet up somewhere. I am already going to try to meet with Dennis (Mavaholic) before he heads out Sunday morning.
well I just got a confirmation from the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel. For Saturday night. I will be coming up sometime saturday afternoon/evening. how many of you will still be around late Saturday?
well had I know that was an option I might have done that too. I am going to be driving my conversion Van and it is actually comfy to snooze in. But none the less If anyone wants to hook up Saturday evening or Sunday PM me and I will give you my cell #. I would love to put some names and faces together so I can relate to who I am talking to on this board.
Dale and I will be there Saturday, but we'll be skipping Sunday. Gas is just too expensive to make the trip twice in two days. Looking forward to seeing everyone!