Here's the pan I went with on my 347. Much cheaper than a Canton and fits fine...with stud girdle also. I did have to maneuver the engine around when sitting it in.
I used the same pan on mine but from a different seller. Had a hell of a time to get it to stop seeping oil from the end radius's. The gasket ends have to be set just right to get the leaks stopped. If you'll notice the rear wall, you can see the pressed out portion in the center that clears the rear main studs & girdle. It looks to be identical to Canton's pan and the dimensions of the radius's are correct, so I don't know if the seepage problem was due to the pan or not. If you install it with the engine inverted on a stand, glue the gasket down and let the sealer cure before installing the pan and torqueing it down. I had to do this to stop the leak, but with it in the car.
I've had my eye on this pan for a while but how would you install a dipstick tube on it. The March style-track pulley setup requires an oil pan mounted dipstick.
I don't know about that. I don't guess I've seen any oil pan mounted dipsticks. Even the ones coming in from the left side aren't mounted in the pan. There is a hole going thru the bottom of the block. I suppose if it has to be pan mounted you will have to modify it yourself. Do any pans actually come with a hole in it for the stick?
the pan I started this thread about has a dipstick bung on it. They are mostly T sump pans that have them but I dont think there is a T sump pan out there that is narrow enough to fit between the lower control arm mounts without modification.
Yes, they are expensive...but a road race engine really benefits from a good oil pan. The Moroso (20503) is cheaper (200 bucks) but needs work in order to fit, so it's a . I've seen people use Milodon #30925 (much cheaper), but on lowered cars, you don't get enough ground clearance. Ham
Moroso 20503 is very close. Its about 1/2" too wide but comes with the universal dipstick tube and dipstick bung already in place. I think only the rear half of the sump would need to be notched to make it fit. anyone know how hard this would be to do? (cost wise?)
You're absolutelly correct. It is 1/2 to a full inch too wide. And only the rear half need work. That's what we've done on ours. I currently use it on one of our road race cars. Costwise, if it gets closer to the price of a Mildon pan, I don't think getting the Moroso would be cost effective. Ham
I havent tried it. I am going a different route. No mods needed and was told it will clear my stud girdle and windage tray.