Just picked up a set of these SVO heads and really don't kow much about them. Cast Iron,roller rockers, studs,guideplates.They have "Windsor" in raised lettering around by the valve springs.Are they worth keeping? Can i use them on a stock 5.0 short block? Any input would be great.By the way i got them real cheap so i'm not out much if they aren't worth useing.
I don't know if they are worth using... I would think they are worth keeping... They are older Ford aftermarket parts. I'd guess late 80s to early 90s. Just before aluminum heads became widely available for SBFs. IIRC, they were good heads.
They have different valve angles than the standard 20 deg heads. But they flow decent. The chambers are super efficient as long as they haven't been ground up. They were designed to be run as circle track heads. I "think" they'll work with factory pistons but you had better check valve-to-piston clearance because of the altered valve angles. I've never used them before, but from what I'm told by many people at the roundy-round races, they're much under-rated. Most guys will use Cleveland heads. And supposedly the N heads are a HUGE improvement even over ported and modded iron 4V heads.
+ 1!!! When cast iron is a must, Cleveland heads are top class, but yes, the N heads are a BIG improvement over ported/modded 4V heads!! Ham
Haha i have stock E7 heads on it now.I know a cam change would be a must if i were to swap them on the stock 1991 H.O bottom end. The guy had them on a 1984 5.o stang with factory pistons so they must work.But i, don't know how much camshaft he was running. I did about a half hour welding job for him and he asked if i had any use for them.Fair payment i would say.
In that case, yes, most definatelly it is a great upgrade compared to E7s... Are you running EFI or carbd'?? Ham
Just make sure to get the rockers for em too, they use their own unique set due to the wider valve spacing.
N heads are a very good head, made for circle track racing where they dont allow aluminum heads. But you need to do some checking because every N head I've ever seen does NOT have WINDSOR cast into it. It should have M-6049-N351, or if its the newer head M-6049-N352 cast into the rocker area and on the left hand side of the head by the lower bolt holes. Also the exhaust port is very large and looks nothing like a sm. ford port. Before Ford made these heads they had World/Dart make some heads with Ford part numbers on them, that may be what you have since they have WINDSOR cast in them. If thats the case I'd grab them since these are now very rare.
That's what I was thinking of... not the newer part number. Back a long time ago in Ford Motorsport history, they had a very Windsor head, with huge 'TFS R style' looking exhaust ports. They weren't around long, and I was still a younster, but I remember drooling over them. Again, it was back when SBF aftermarket heads were still just a dream for the most part. The heads I am thinking of didn't use offset rockers. I remember reading how the rocker studs were moved to keep the rocker straight on the valve. Really high tech stuff at the time. I guess Derrick needs to take a pic!
Thanks for all the info guys,yes they come with the rockers, studs, guide plates and push rods.I have to go get them this weekend and will for sure post up some pics.
Hey man, how are you doing? The rocker per se is not offset type...the pushrod cup for the intake valve is, so you need different rockers (with an offset pushrod cup for the intake). Ham