Cars are 90% packed and ready to go. First stop Flagstaff Az. I will try to post our trials and tribulations along the way
Tom I will be chase you . Will leave torrance some time monday afternoon in my Farmer Bros. truck more than likley will not catch you and tam have a good time wish kahty and i could have made it . Jay
we are leaving Louisville at 5 Wednesday morning...driving to Gainesville that day and then heading to Joplin early, early Thursday morning.
make sure tammy don't do a burnout anywhere... have a safe trip... smack anyone that says your wheels are too big. rep so cal!
Well we made it to Flagstaff with no problems (knock on wood) we did hit a little rain but nothing serious. Milage wasn't as good as I hoped, my wish was 24 for Tammy's and 18 for mine. We got 18.9 with Tammy's and mine got 15.7 hopefully it will be better tomorrow (less hills)
We got you all beat. Left Sunday morning. We're in Oklahoma City right now. Got about 4 more hours to drive tomorrow so we should be there early in the afternoon. Hurry up and catch up. We're lonely.:bananaman