I need to see a show of hands who would buy a set. No tire Kickers please. Either you want them or not. Price is yet to be determined. I have found a guy who is very interested in making them.... Lance
im interested for sure !!!sence mine already shoot out the side infront of the tire price is always a factor
I have seen this guys work and it is very professonal. In fact he does custom one off parts for old street rods. There is a round about price set of 300.00 for a set plus shipping. There will be a limted run done....of about 5 to start with and maybe another run or two in subsequent years. I am not trying to flood the market..... The price is fair on a limited run. That includes design time after that once a mold is made it will be easy to pop out a set. I am sending him the ones I started to fab up......
brazilian rocker side pipe exhaust covers It appears to me that we have aleast 5 that will commit if the look, quality and fit are good will buy ,lets get pics if a design we can look at and approve and lets get rolling Lance . Like the aluminum rads ,lets getter done.
I am in for around 300.00 if the quality is there like the alum. rads. Would love to see sheet metal parts too!!. we could save a lot of cars from being cut up.
I can swear that the quality will be top notch. This will not be an over night deal it may take 6mths to get them done!!!! The guy is doing us a favor and doing this on the side to keep cost down.....As stated before this guy and the whole crew do nothing but one off customs and fibergalss is a big part of what they do!!!!!