i have a mav with 1985 HO v8 two barrel. ith car is having trouble. idles fine but when i put in drive it has no power.wont take off i can barely make it pass 35mph. any ideas. the car has a new fuel pump. car ran fine untill pump was replaced
What kind of pump is it? Mechanical or electrical? If it is mechanical did it get the arm on the fuel pump put in right?
Why was fuel pump changed in the first place? could problem possible be a plugged fuel filter? The e85 fuel is causing havoc with fuel related items.
I have a 86 HO and had trouble getting the right manual pump for it. One the arm was the wrong pitch and it pumped to much and took out the diaphram in it. Sounds like a fuel problem but, you didn't change plugs & wires did you? If so make sure you have in correct fire order, a HO is the same as a 351 winsor. Good Luck!