Both me & my dad may be ready for the looney farm before this swap is done... First, let me say that trying to put Hooker 6901 headers on a 351W in a Comet IS NOT recommended (even with shaved shock towers) if you want to remain sane! In fact, we had to go back to the stock 302 exhaust manifolds and we still had problems making the stock driver's side manifold fit. We finally got past the exhaust issues and now we are having problems with the fit of the stock 302 water pump pulley alignment with the stock 302 4 bolt crank pulley. Also, the power steering pump brackets don't seem right at all. Are the power steering brackets and water pump pulley different on a 351W? HELP!
6901 headers are for 302 cars..... and i believe the p/s brackets and such to be different on 351's because of the width being larger than a 302. water pump should be the same..... im sure another member can shed some more light on it for ya
My dad ordered the Hooker 6901's because Summit listed them as fitting a 351W as well as a 302. I had a suspicion that the 302 P/S pump bracketry may be different than a 351W P/S pump bracket. The water pump pulley is sitting too far back to align properly with the crank pulley groove. The strange thing is the altenator bolted right up like a champ... Thanks for your help, please keep any ideas coming!
They will fit a 351w but not in the Maverick. If there's any questions of something working on a Maverick, use the search function on here. It'll save you a lot of hassles and probably give you an immediate answer.
The brackets are the same for both, the difference is the adapter bracket Ford used to compensate for the different head bolt holes from the increased deck height. They made at least 3 different adapters for this, two are aluminum, one's iron. All have two holes to bolt it to the head, and two more threaded holes in raised bosses that alllow the 302 or 351 accessory bolts to line up to the adapter. I have one of these in my shop, I'll see if I can't get a pic posted later today. The crank pulley can be moved via a shim behind the pulley. Ford Racing has these shims in their catalog.
To my knowledge, tubular automotive is the only company that makes headers spefically for a 351W in a maverick. Just about any 302 or 351 header will fit the heads on 302 and 351 engines. It is a question of whether or not it will fit the chassis. BTW, headers are a PITA on any V8 maverick unless the shock towers are eliminated!
Here's the adapter you need to use 302 bracketry with a 351W or vice-versa It's the first pic in my album.
Wow, sorry you didn't make it here to talk to us before you bought 6901s for your swap. We could have saved you money and aggravation right away. Welcome! Glad you made it, hope we can help from here out! Tubular makes small tubes for a 351w Maverick. Hedman made, until recently, a similar small tube swap header. Crites makes a medium tube header for the swap. Hooker makes a similar medium tube header for a 65-66 Stang with a 351w. This header fits with some mods and several members used it before Crites came out with a bolt in alternative. The stock Maverick v8 manifolds are said to be the only manifolds to work with a 351w swap.
This is odd. All 4 bolt crank SBFs, including the 351w/351c/351m/400, all use the same water pump and crank pulleys. Are you sure that your water pump pulley is matched to your crank pulley? The reason I ask this is that there are several upper/lower pulley sets. In other words, you can take a working pair of pulleys off a 302 and swap them to a 351, as a pair. However you cannot mix upper and lower pulleys between type sets. They will not line up. Example: A 302 with power steering has an upper pulley that will not mate with a 302 non-PS lower pulley. And these mating/non-mating combos are numerous when you take into account all the years, engine sizes, and options involved.
Yes, it's very odd... Every pulley we have came off the original 302 that came in the car. They all worked fine on the 302. We didn't do any mixing of pulleys from other sources. I came from the Ch*vy world where parts interchange is much easier. I'm getting an education on the do's & don't of the Ford world. Or as my former boss used to say: Experience is a hard teacher...She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.
is the crank pully to close or to far from the front of the motor? Are you using a factory ford balancer or aftermarket one? If you have pics they could help.
I wonder if the crank dampner is fully seated... You are correct. If the top and bottom pulley came off the same engine, a 302, they WILL swap and work on a 351. No doubt. If they aren't fitting, there is something amiss. Something that is not the pulley's fault.