Yea, I'm aware of that. Hence why the project is currently at a stand still, I'm waiting on the mounts to get here from Brazil. Pictures would be great since I don't have any idea what they look like.
Why do you think he's importing the stock motor mounts? That way it will fit with no problem. He's not putting in a 4 cylinder to be hot roddish. He's doing it to get a dependable good driving, gas saving car.
That's around 25 mpg, with a carburetor. I guess with fuel injection and other tweaks you can achieve even more. BTW, you car is awesome hanks351!
Just got the word... my mounts were seized by U.S. customs and sent back to Brazil. Some paper work was filled out wrong or something. Hopefully I should have them in the next 2 or 3 weeks.
i dont want to be a naysayer but im going to say it anyways. the 2.3 efi motors in mustangs got the same milage that the 5.0s got on avarage. my 5.0 got 18 mph when i just drove it nicley. my friends girlfriend with a 2.3 got 18 mpg. my other friend with stock 93 ex chp mustang (5.0) got 26 mpg when he would drive cross county. So i really hope you get some great milage out of this motor but dont be suprised if it doesnt. going to a turbo motor may help the milage if you dont floor it all the time. the turbo does increase effiency.