On saturday August 23 at 6:00 am Joe was taken to Cleveland Metro Hospital's Emergency. He was bleeding internaly they took him imediatly and started IVS in each arm.. All day saturday and thru the night he was in ICU While the doctors tried to find the source. They flushed his stomach and intestine's with fluids to get a better look. After 2 cat scan's and a colen oscapy. They found the problem. The bleeding had stopped on its own after 2 days. The doctor's found that Joe has "diverticulitis" and maybe this bleeding was a one time thing. Joe is home now. He was released on tuesday August 26 at 5:00 pm, if the change in diet and work schedual does not work he will have to be taken in for surgery and have it repared, if he would have slept in that day, he would not have awoken at all... He is resting and taking it slower now maybe in the next few days he will be up and around a little better.
Wow. Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and get well quickly. We'll be praying for your health.
Wow! I have never met the man but it seems he gets around and I hope to someday meet him in person. Just never think about something like this until it happens in a guy that is so busy and active. I will be thinking of you Joe during prayer time. Hope you have a fast and full recovery.
Thanks for the update. When he called the house and my wife told me what had happened, i couldn't believe it. Hope he gets better and I'm here if he needs anything!
Wow again! I hadn't heard from him in a few days and had no idea about this. Hope you have a speedy recovery Joe! Let me know if there is anything I can do also. Senica, thanks for letting us know what's going on.