finally got my engine together, painted and installed. still need to fix my engine mounting, still looks like the engine is going uphill. 40 over 351 w guessing its a 357 ish. its been 5 long years, trying to remember things like hmmmm how does this alt. mount up again. and only being able to work on it for a few hours at a time is time consuming. the engine and compartment will be the nicest looking part for awhile, i just want to be able to start it and i've got a few pics before my engine went in
...8-9 more years and you will be old enough to drive it... you must have been what...3-4 when you started building it ......
i heard her, she was singing sweet music, of course with out the exhaust hooked up... um the neighbors probably umm liked it to
John, Lookin' good! I've been following your posts with great interest. I have had the "Cyclone/Comet" thing on my mind for the last 10 years or so, and can't wait to see what you come up with. Great minds think alike, eh? ...
i'm going to have to search out a spoiler, try and find some 15" rims , can't remember if the big cyclones had 14 or 15. and of course possibly the hardest will be trying to fit the grille from a cyclone in my space.... i guess as they say... where there's a will theres a way.
John, A Cyclone grille!?! ... cool idea, sounds like a tough swap though. I have seen Cyclone grille centers on eBay lately, might have been in someone's eBay store at a Buy it Now. The Cyclones that I have most commonly see have either dog dish/trim ring combos, or Magnums. There is a steel wheel with 5 oval shaped slots and a dd/tr combo too. Ironically, I have a pic of a Comet with those swapped on. Liked it so much, I made the pic into a magnet. Check out this Cougar website for some very cool wheel and center caps that are all Mercury. I want some Mercury Man caps for my Magnums. Mine are 15s, btw, so the pic below can give you a good idea of what they look like. The rears are custom-made 15x8s.