Stupid question: I've never done a carb on anything but a RX7. I am trying to do my 71 maverick right now, but its not as easy as i thought... I didnt take a carb off, just sticking one on..So i cannot use the old as a guide. Does anyone have a picture showing were each connection goes? I feel like i have holes with no hoses to go to them, and pieces that dont seem to go anywhere. Thanks
Try this... Robert.
The 70-72 doesn't work... Is the 73 basically the same as a 71? I'm not sure it will be too much help though, as i seem to be missing a lot of the hoses that attach to the carb (lots of open ports it seems, that have no loose hose within range)... And i was kind of looking for a diagram that might show what these ports are, and where the hose is supposed to go to. From now on, i am only putting parts on cars that i personally took the parts off of. haha. Same as my battery cable... Not only do i have 2 Negative cables, the positive doesn't seem right. Thanks!
You didn't say what carb you have or what size engine. Here are some carburetors
Ok, here's some problem areas (i took a few more pics of the Carb stuff, But they didnt come out.. I will retake them tomorrow and post them then.). I tried to syphon the bad gas out of it today... One thing led to another and i found out that Syphoning a maverick is nearly impossible, And my fuse box is shot (its made of rust and most the fuses are gone.). This is starting to turn into more of a project to make run, then i anticipated. I may be in over my head haha (Considering it cant sit for long, not running, before my manager finally sticks a notice on it.) Anyways... here's some disconnected stuff that i am clueless as to where they go: (sorry that these have nothing to do with the carb.. Like i said, The carb ones came out blury) ^^^ Big fat hose coming from the back... I should know what its too..But i dont. ^^^ is that done right? When i got it.. the positive battery wire was attached to the other with a piece of wire...So i replaced it with a bolt. Is there a better way?
The hose you got there is a pcv valve at the end (the metal thingy) it goes into the valve cover (sits there in a a grommet), as other have stated tell us what kind of carb and engine and so on, I myself have the 250 Inline 6 so I´m not that familliar with the V8, but most people on this forum have that engine!!!!
Oops.. Sorry, i forgot to answer that... Yea, its a 302 v8 w/ a 2bbl carb (off of another maverick. Bought the carb from a member of this site).
Your positive cable is supposed to be going to a starter relay switch....which I see is missing. You will not get the car running without one. You really need some help I your car has numerous issues.....more than what can be diagnosed over a message board before your manager tags it. Hopefully you can find somebody to help you out.
I KNEW something was supposed to go there! I kept seeing something bolted there on other cars, But mine never had one. Now i see why my positive was wired together.... Any idea where to get a replacement? I checked and, didn't see one.. Thanks greengrabber! Those should help me. I'll compare them to my engine, tonight.
It is called a starter solonoid they are cheap,16400102//shopping/partTypeResultSet.htm
Ah they are on there... I was calling them something different.. But i did pick one up today.,46488/veh...partType,00102/shopping/partProductDetail.htm that one. But...It doesn't look like greengrabber's... So i am not sure which wire goes where. Only paper in the box is just warnings haha. So, i'm sorry to ask but... Which wire goes to which spot?