I know the time zone is a few hours different but aren't we still in the same year, or did it change and no one tell me? DFE
gathering--2009 Well i guess i should try to be there to defend my "TITLE". Will try again to have more Canucks there for you kentuckyians to pick on. Hell all you yanks like to pick on us. We do make it easy as there is safety in numbers and you all out number me(1). Just remember I always have a bouquet for you all. EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.TTFN Ron
Effie, Effie, Effie. You've been hanging around Frank too much. My year seems to end in July and start in August. EFD
Don, Don, Don, I guess after you retire you have earned the right for your year to start and end whenever you want it to. But for us working people, I still have to use the calendar year. DFE
I had my Mo-Kan dragway shirt on today. It says Pitsburg, Kansas on the back. 2 people came over to me at different times and said I know where Pittsburg, Kansas is.