Ok, guys, ... here's the deal ... if this is like the previous scrappage program, it is not "environmental wackos vs. car enthusiasts" ... it is "big business vs. car enthusiasts". In the previous scrapping program that Cali had, big businesses could buy credits for their own lack of cleaning up their acts in exchange for one less old car "on the road" (typically a junker that was taking up space in the backyard anyway... can't pollute if it doesn't run). It is all smoke (pun intended) and mirrors, and old cars are the scapegoat. Join SEMA (it's FREE!) ... you'll learn all this stuff. You'll be amazed what laws get snuffed out by them in your own state before they have a chance to impact your life unnecessarily.
Was born and raised in So. Cali, but that was back when you could afford to actually live there. The smog check thing in CA, is a bunch of Bullsh*t, Back in the 80's I took my 55 Oldsmobile in for a smog, The guy told me it didnt pass, and I asked him what I had to do to get it to pass, he said to take it in and have the carb fixed, So I asked him if it didnt pass the second time, what would happen, he basically said I would have to pay up to $250.00 in fees, then they would just waver it, and give me the cetificate... Thought to myself, what a racket. 1996 I moved to Western Illinois, and have not had to smog any of my cars in 12 years. I miss the weather and my friends in California, but thats about it. g
We got rid of the smog check inspection stations of the 80's and put it back in the hands of real mechanics. What the law states is that if you spent $250 in repairs and still did not pass then they give you a waiver. Basically, the max you would have to spend on repairs was $250. Spent a year in Rantoul, Il. My Calif car didn't like the snow and the cold...
They do this same smog crap up here in Toronto Canada and it's just another tax that's all. As for price to get a "PASS" it's $750 or almost 4 times the price i paid for my Comet. But boy the air up here is so clean(not). JUST ANOTHER SCAM TO EMPTY YOUR POCKETS.
I know that vehicles over 30 do not need to be smog checked, but I didn't know that vehicles over 15 didn't need to be. If the law is being changed to include vehicles between 15 and 30, when did the law change exempting those vehicles? My pickup truck will be 15 in three years and I'd love not to have to smog check it every two years (it's due this year). Now about California. I've lived here since 1972 when I moved from New York state to attend UCLA. Property back then was cheaper than NY. The prices increased in the 70's. Californians didn't make California screwy. It was all the people who moved here (me too probably). I knew natives who resented the influx of Easterners, and blamed us for the rising real estate prices (probably right too). Most of my family lives in Maine now. I'll be going back to visit in October. I've thought about moving to Maine, but I couldn't give up the nice weather and wide roads here. Most of the people here are very nice and helpful and kind, but the legislature is full of politicians with special interests. Arnold was supposed to fix Sacramento, but this isn't a movie plot and they fixed him instead. Roz
I wouldn't worry about this bill passing, they can't even get a State Budget Passed thats over 60 days late.. Would be interesting to see Jay Leno's reaction to this if it did pass though.
All vehicles need to go through a smog check that are newer then 1975. However, should this pass, then all vehicles over 15 years old would be INCLUDED. This means that the exemption for vehicles built prior to 1976 would be lifted. I'm a Calif transplant as well (Ex NY). I've been here since 1961.(NY wore off a LONG time ago)..I was just a kid, really I was...Anyway, in the late 70's I moved to Dallas and just about went broke.. taxes, utilities and the cost of just about everything was higher then So.Cal. I sold my 2 bed room house in So.Cal for $36k and bought a 3 bedroom outside Dallas for $56k..taxes went from $200 a year to $3500. HVAC went from $40 a month to over $150. Came back to So.Cal in '82 and have no thoughts of ever leaving. Those of you that think Calif is expensive, well then I guess the false advertising is working... You don't have to come here...
I wonder if this would affect all of California or just the Smog Check II Area's. Not all of CA falls under Smog Check II (Enhanced Smog Check) Areas, only areas with large populations, LA, San Diego, Central Valley, etc I think the Bay Area was on Smog Check I for awhile and finally was moved over to II i'm not sure though. Honestly I really wouldn't get too worked up about it if the car is just used as a daily driver, these are old school cars after all, no computerized emissions equipment to worry about, sensors, etc. I would think keeping the proper ignition timing and making sure the Fuel Mixture and Idle Speed were right would be all you need. I am of course drawing on experience with a 71 Model Year Mav, I know some of the later models (I think 75 onward) use EGR Valves, they aren't really a big deal though. The biggest problem at least for me would probably be the Fuel Evap Test as I have never replaced the EVAP Hoses, they usually do that test right after the Emissions Test, even if it passes emissions if it fails the EVAP they fail the car, I had that happen with our Van recently (needed to replace the hoses). Now Obviously this would cause problems for those of us Californians who might want to mod their cars, engine swap, upgrade to EFI, etc. For example if you had a 75 Mav w/I6 and wanted to swap to a 302 or 351 the engine would Have to be from 1975 or newer with all of the OEM Emissions Equipment it had at the time. It wouldn't be impossible to do just a major P.I.T.A. any mods would require an inspection at a Referee Station and a special B.A.R. Sticker attached to the windshield or wherever in order to register.
Be worried... It effects all of Calif. In some cities there are strick laws that state you cannot oun a vehicle this is unregistered and uninsured. The BAR sticker is only good until the next scheduled inspection. If you fail the inspection and repair requirements of about $250 for our cars still will not make it pass a smog check, then on the third failure you loose your car... Fed smog laws dictated to Calif state you get to crush the gross poluting car as it can no longer be registered and operated legally on the roads. Since it can't be registered it can't be insured it is now an illeagal vehicle subject to the crusher law. Don't take this lightly. Our hobby and in my case job are effected by this. The main goal of organizations like the Greens and Sierra club is to ban old cars... They don't like them and as such feel you shouldn't either.. They consider a car an appliance like a can opener... There is no value to old cars if there are new ones avaialable. They don't have all the safety and emmissions bells and whistles so they will protect you by forcing you to own the latest and greatest soad dish looking piece of crap on the road because it's new.
You know, there's really a very simple solution for all of this. No sense in letting them jerks crush any of your cars. Just simply give them to us non-Californians, we'll send shippers to pick them up at no cost to you and teach them jerks a lesson! They can't crush what they can't find!!! Bob, pm me your address and we'll go ahead start the ball rolling. I mean, what are friends for? :Handshake
I love California and always will but its like beign in its own country you have the southern San Diego region pretty laid back i like to visit once in a while. Orange County(OC)...used to be a great spot to go fishing and hang out on the beach but not its a POS everyone out there acts like there in malbu or something even the poor people think their better than you. LA...its not what you see on tv you always see the glammy hollywood but in actuality its one of the worst places ive seen, some parts are nice but then you drive 30minutes and someones trying to sell you crack. Inland Empire...its all about the 909/951 I love the IE its nothing like LA and OC we have the best indie radio station in the world, we have a great local music scene with great venues, we have a huge import/streetrod/classic/hot rodder presence with a couple of nice racetracks and a billion different parts vendors,its a great lanscape with a river, glamis dunes, big bear mountain. And we have probaly the best OFF-ROAD/4x4 scene in the country( i'm not really into that but everyone else is), almost everybody has a lifted truck/50K dune buggy/or 150K core type truck. But we also have bad things, i wont lie...like the #1 traffic in the country, meth capitol of the world and sometimes its smogier than china. but i still love living here and theres also the fresno/sacramento area...i've never been up there so i cant say what its like and also the Nor-Cal area...i've heard great thins but haven't had the chance to travel north the best reason to live in Kali is we only have one season...summmer:bananamanall year long.
How 'bout I just get a P.O.Box # and register it in your state and keep it. I'd hate to make ya drive all the way here and waste all tha gas to pick up my old piece o junk