The shaft is measuring 45-1/2" center to center of the looks as though it could stand to be another 1-1/2 to 2" longer.....
Anyone know how long a 4 door drive shaft is? I do have one, but it's 100 miles away up in NC right now, so I can't measure it.
We're going to bump up the rear to the next level in the rear shackles, for possibly more clearance anyway, we'll see if that changes anything, but I doubt it. Jamie, was that rear end out of a 2 or 4 door???? Isn't the wheel base the same from one to the other?
That rearend was originally out of a '76 2 door. The wheelbase is not the same between 2 door and 4 door, but there is no difference in the rear ends themselves.
I have a 1977 2 door 302/c4 and ever since i bought the car and rebuilt the engine (didnt pull the trannie) i have been having vibration from somewhere in the driveline. I went to change the u joints and noticed the yolke is barely in the end of the transmission and i can move it up in down slightly.My driveshaft is 45 1/2 center to center u joints,yolk is 28 spline , 6 5/8 from center of u joint to end of yolke . From what i can tell it needs to be another 2 inches to be in transmission enough not to move up and down or cause the vibration. I have a 1971 2 door with a 6/3 speed manual parts car, i am going to check the driveshaft in it and see how long it is.
Yeah saw that , but didnt see his problem solved , i am having the same problem it seemed he had,i guess i could have started a new thread.
hey tony will that drive shat work with the tremec i'm puuting in?if it does i'd be interested in it if hes not.thanks matt 513-314-0446 just read the four year old thread thing. crap