This is my 1973 Comet I purchased for $600. It's a 302 automatic with 88 000 miles. The vinyl roof is peeling and the front bench needs recovering but overall it's in good shape. I think the rims are factory but they do not have the Mercury center caps. Can anyone confirm they are factory by my photos? Thanks
The rims look like chrome plated steel... If so, they have no chance of being original. The factory rims were 14" forged aluminum.
That is a cool car, the wheels have an Ansen look to them, not factory, but heck, I been wrong already a couple times today. I agree, they look plated. And I dont recall any Ansen wheels being plated, but again, I dont know what I had for lunch today. Dan
Howdy and I'd say they are after market wheels. I used to sell Ansen wheels back in the 70's and Ansens were all aluminum. PLus I do believe their name was cast into them. Chromed slots were made by a bunch of manufacturers back then. Back then, I had a set of slots made by Intertech.
Welcome (even if you're a Flames fan). The 74 Comet GT parts car I had to make my Maverick street legal had the exact same wheels and tires. I think they look great, try polishing them up.
Aftermarket vs. Factory aluminum slots Yours certainly look like the chromed steel aftermarket slots that were common in the 70's. Attached are 2 aluminum slot pics. 1 is the factory 14x6 wheel that came as an option on Mavericks and Comets starting in 1973. The other is the Ansen aftermarket aluminum slot that Dennis used to sell. They are making that wheel again...I think under the E-T name? Seth