Scott I hope you an Anna have pick your nap sack , pup tent and your make up bag and got the hell out of town I and all the form members are think about you and are in ours prayers . JAY
Another one pulling for you here too. Good luck, Scott. Let us know you and your family are alright as soon as you can.
Hoping that all the Texas Mav/Comets and their owners are safe right now. At least the storm stayed down to a Cat2 ... they were predicting that it would amp up to a 3 or 4. What is going to be incredible in any case is the flooding.
We may not hear from Scott for a while but they got whacked in Angleton and I think they are part of the almost two million out of power.So far we have lucked out as I am about ten miles West of the major bands. I am receiving 50 to 60 mph Gusts but still have power. ire region.It has been a long night. We are anxious to see the sun come up to asses the damage around the entire region.
I've been watching the storm too. Looks like over 4 million without power. And that ain't no fun. Still too hot to be running without a/c. May be down for 3-4 weeks for some. You guys let us know as soon as you can that you're okay. We're all praying for you.
Hurry up and read all these posts so you can tell us how you all are doin Scott. We're trying not to run away with this thread...yet.
he called early his cell and annas arent working they are fine he said he would up date all as soon as he could please keep all in your prayers
I talked to Scott also about an hour ago. I sent him a text message which he got and he called me back a little while later. Said he only lost a few shingles and part of a fence. He is running on generator and not sure when he will get power back. I told him if he needed anything to let us know. We would help in any way we could. He seems well prepared and should be okay. I'll let you know if I hear anything else.