Alright i believe im cursed now right about this time last year my transmission blew before the div 7 et finals and now on my way out to the track today, a week before the finals again, i bent up a push rod. Earlier today i went to check the valves on my car because i had an assumption a valve or 2 may had loosen up, so i ended up adjusting one of the valves and thats it. I ended up finding the ticking was just a small exhaust leak. Well when i was turning onto the street our track is on the car starts popping really bad most likely coming from the carb. I had one knowledgeable person tell me sounded like a broken rocker, so i pulled the valve covers. At first i found that one of the valves was real loose, the same one i had adjusted. I first assumed that was the problem, must have not tightened down the lock nut all the way. to make sure that i didnt bend up the push rod i pulled the rocker off and when doing so notice the the intake valve next to it was now knocked to the side. So the first valve that i adjusted ended up being fine push rod and all, but the intake valve's push rod was extremely bent up. I replaced the push rods with one a little bigger than the original just to test it. the popping was gone but the car now runs like ****, So far i have tested the compression and have compression in all cylinders and all of them are close to equal, and i have also tested the cam timing by turning the crankshaft while watching the distributor. If anyone has any ideas let me know. I am going to pull the intake off here in a minute so i can visually check PLEASE HELP
but i have done compression tests and i do have the same amount of compression in each cylinder for the most part usually u would lose all compression or at least alot with a bent valve
? I'm not a mechanic, so just take this as a suggestion. Pull all your lifters, one at a time, check for any signs of a bad cam loab. Or any damage to the tappit its self. Just because you have compression doesn't mean that valve can't be bent. It could be sticking.
did it back fire through the carb. is the power vavle still good? assuming your using a holley? have you ran or cranked the motor to see if the valves are opening the same amount (looking for flatened cam lobes).
It did back fire through the carb....if i am thinking of the right thing i believe we took the power valve off, visually i have checked the valves and didnt see anuthing, but we dont have the correct push rod in it right the one we have is a little long (maybe 1/8th in.) im getting the correct rods in tomorrow morning
Something bound up causing that rod to bend. I wonder if the added pressure on the lifter could have flattened or even partialy flattened a lobe ? I had a similar loud popping via the exhaust when I had a tip break off of a rod and cause the vallve not to open due to the "excess" lash. What type of cam ?
Get correct length push rods in it then see what happens.The long one is hanging a valve open.The original bent push rod could be due to over-revving or extremely high valve spring pressure.Make sure you didnt wipe a cam lobe off in the process.Its possible you have a bent valve due to the possible over revving,which means you may have damaged a piston as well.Bad valve train geometry will bend push rods too.Check it all closely...good luck.
Update: I was not able to find the push rods today, but i have some ordered for tomorrow....i put a different carb on it and it now seemed to run better. it was able to keep an idle and made it around the block, which i know it wouldn't have yesterday. I took apart the older carb and i did have the power valve capped and did not see anything obvious, but im no carb expert the one push rod is still a little big any other signs i should be looking for to make sure nothing else is further damaged? I still havent taken off the intake and am unsure if i should now that i have found improvement from yesterday.
Last night i had one of my mechanic friends come over to look at things and it turns out the lifter was a little chewed up, and he had one of those mechanic cameras and was able to see that the cam was chewed itself. So now that we have found that the cam is no good I tore apart the front end because luckily we have another cam and am going to begin the process of putting it in today. I also picked up the right size rods. Hopefully we wont run into any other problems. Ill keep you guys updated. Thanks Kevin
Good luck at Fallon. I'm not going to make the trip this year. Maybe next year when it's at Firebird in Phoenix.
Thanks for the best of wishes! but i got a problem alright i was finishing buttoning things up and went to adjust the valves with the new cam and one of the rocker arms and pushrods wont move when the engine is turned over. Any ideas? lifters were all new