Cool live action from MIR .I just saw a nice mav in the braket race.
What color was that Mav. I have a friend who is running a Burnt Orange Mav. at MIR, an 7 second car. Sad part is its got a Chevy powerplant.
I noticed that you are in Missouri and I'm in Maryland. We have a "MIR" which stands for Maryland International Raceway which is located in Mechanicsville, MD.
me and killercomet were there there was a blue/yellow maverick there with a 460 ran mid 10s there was a white pro stock maverick ran low 10s 1320x was great!!!
Yeah it was a good time. All we need is an Outlaw 10.5 and a Drag Radial car and we may have a buddy from WV in every final. Suck's the rain came.
Hey, no body ask me if I wanted to go to MIR... I feel the love Never mind, I'm sure my Mommy wouldn't have let me gone anyway. Blessings