I'm looking at the Blueprint 5.0 long block at Jegs. I like the price $3123.99 with all the stuff needed to complete (except the oil pan is wrong). But it says 40 or 60 over no request, I thought I read in a small block rebuild book 40 over is max on 302. What is your opinion on street motors?. This is a stock 5.0 roller
I wouldn't go over 40, there's so many blocks available, there's no need to. I had one 40 over that ended up splitting the #4 cylinder wall at 7500 rpms. Not a big split, just a half inch long crack midway in the wall. This happened after a year and a half of hard use.
Yep, .040 for a street motor, is better than .060. You will still have some cyl. hone capacity in case you scratch a wall or the like. I have run several 60 over 302's for racing with no problems. Water temp would be a factor if running on the street etc. 60 over block's can be sleeved if need be, but would cost more than some aftermarket block's. Have a block now that is actually .064 over and still not into the water jackets. That Jeg's price seem's prety reasonable too.
I like the jegs package, but I might pass it up because you can't be sure if it will be a 40 over or a 60 over. I will call and see but it says 40 or 60 over NO REQUESTS. So it will be a 50/50 shot on getting a 40 over.
You need to have the block sonic tested first before you do any kind of over bore. So many people dont do this because the dont want to pay the extra price. I have seen blocks .10 over crack a cylinder because it was a bad cast. I have a friend right now that has a 302 that is .60 over ant his car ran cooler than my .20 over. So spend the extra money and have you stuff sonic checked and save yourseld some trouble.
I think the reason it says that is because they are using scrap yard motors for the rebuilds, so you never know what your going to get, all depends on how bad it was to begin with. Someone else sells engines like that also.
I don't see why a roller block will need to be bored more than 0.030. i have a block with 200,000 miles out of my mustang that got the s@@t beat out of it. it has no ridge on it and you can still see the cross hatch in the bores brad
Yeah, but roller blocks can come out of pickups and vans with more than 200,000 with very few oil changes....
that is true it is just to hard to think that most people don't do routine maintenance on there cars brad