Does anyone know when the final Tanger outlet cruise in will be? I would like to propose that we all meet up there again like we did last year . I really enjoyed the show and seeing everyone ,along with the late dinner at Denny`s and parking lot B.S. sesion. Lets do it again !
That was actually two years ago, I want to say it was mid October, 2006.. Last year Dan and Earl met up at the Moonshine festival in Dawsonville, I think. I'd love to do Tanger again. Had a great time.
that'll work... thats giveing me time to do my "Mav. project" that i bought the parts for yesterday... thanks Jeff for the help in laying it out and helping pick the parts...:Handshake
"Met and Et" "a large time was had by all." I had the first showing of my "Big Block/ Boss 302 w/electric waterpump" yesterday.... we (5 mavs.) took it into the night... ...Frank, Effie and Patches...
I enjoyed it for sure! Nice drive up there and back good eats at Denny`s (pancakes and BACON!!! ):bananaman Great conversations!:Handshake
Had a great time!! Here are the pics I took: cruise in/
Neat pics of the Studebaker, Jamie. We had one at our cruise in that had a big block Chevy in it. Looks like a fun time was had by all!