What's the matter with that??? All us kids here love to play SLINKY!! You only got to 70?? Should go faster now with that 302 vice the 250 and that built C4, I'm thinking triple digits for sure! I just did a round trip from the house to Valdosta on Tuesday, about 240 miles in all. Yes, I was on back roads, and yes I did air it out a bit, about a buck 16 on top, can't wait til I get my overdrive 5 speed in. Once I do, you might have a hard time getting that 3.55 from me! :bananaman Some people are like slinkys, they only make you happy when you push them down a flight of stairs.
LOL, remember you showed us where the 3.55 was... stopped by the other day, you weren't home... picked it up, look for cash under your doormat.
You can easily "skip" the I75 part, just go to that exit, wait on the side of the road and "slip" back into the groove there. I want to go, just waiting on the "approved" time off for that weekend. I will most likely reserve me a room and cancel if need be. I love going to Ocala for the show, sorry to hear about all of the diners closing down though. Things sure are getting more expensive all of the time. rk
Sent my registration in last week. Looking forward to the show and meeting new people. See you there, KEN
I am looking forward to meetings some new faces, such as Ray, Frank and Effie. Come to the BBQ @ NPD on Sat. It will be an event, not just a meal! BBQ, band, the museum at NPD will be open, and a parking lot full of car crazy people. How much better can you get than that? Jim
I,ll be there with the mav. I'm going to the BBQ at npd also Sat. the 10th. 6 pm If you want to go to the BBQ the price is $12.50 It's limited to 350 cars But as long as you are willing to park a little off site they will except more than 350. Jim already said this but the BBQ is sponsored by our mustang club.
The BBQ on Sat. night is going to be a blowout! So far, there are almost 100 vehicles and over 300 people coming. Send in your request to be part of it to Ron Bringle, Pres. of the NCFMC. His email address is: Rons_Mach1 @ yahoo.com. ph- (352)489-9041. mailing address- 13004 SW 113th Place, Dunnellon, Florida 34432. Jim
Howdy partners, Looking foward to seeing all the Mavericks and Comets again. Oh yeah and the people too. Say, does anyone want to even steven a fresh cherries 1:64 Grabber green Maverick unopened for a Grabber blue same? See Yall at the show. Jeff
if i have a blue one i will swap you jeff.i will look tomorrow. getting the car going again. the 30th i will be taking the car to a buddies shop and over the next week we will be doing the engine swap and painting the engine bay. should be big changes going by silver springs.
If Jason doesn't have one, I can help you out. I just went through my "collection" Friday and I have several blue grabber extras and would be willing to trade even up. I am planning on going on Friday to NPD and the Pony Trail and to the show on Saturday. Richard p.s. I have others to trade including 2 American Graffitis, one black and silver Stallion and one white and orange Grabber in 1:24 scale. As some other 1:64's; rk