I spent the weekend upgrading the server and forum software and this was the biggest upgrade I have ever undertaken. The server software upgrade will help the forum run smoother and improve the forum experience. Searches should be faster and pictures that are re-sized by the forum and gallery will be crisper. In addition, future forum upgrades will be able to take full advantage of the newer server software. The forum software upgrade introduced a few new features. Most notably, the user profiles have been enhanced and the trader ratings and gallery are now nicely integrated. Threads can now be tagged with keywords, making it easier to find threads in the future. The most common words used for tagging will appear larger than less commonly used words in a "Tag Cloud". Here is an example of the Cloud Tag after tagging a few threads http://mmb.maverick.to/tags.php. Tags can be added to a thread when posting and after a thread has been created. Old threads can be tagged as well and anyone can tag a thread. At the bottom of each thread, there are options for booking marking threads with various booking marking services. I also enabled the calendar, where you can add your own events. 30 days before an event is scheduled to take place, it will appear at the bottom of the forum. The "Active Topics" link at the top of the forum has been integrated into the "Quick links". Since this was a major upgrade, please let me know if something seems out of place or broken.
great work...:Handshake when Frank and i log in it takes us to another screen and tells us we are ...guests... then we log in there and come on in. the first log in puts us on the list at the bottom of the page but we can only do what a guest can. thanks again... TBFE...:Handshake
Cool, I love VB, very user friendly. Cnt wait until 4.0, are you a member at vb.org? There is alot of great information to be learned there. Anyway, this is a great forum. Have a good one, Guy