Last night on my way home with my '73, I noticed my marker lights come on when I apply my brakes. Also, my turn signals won't work when the brake lights are on. I didn't notice anything differant when I was driving it, it just kind of happened. Anyone have an idea of what I should look at first? Would it be the brakelight switch? IDK? Thanks in advance for any and all help!
Also check the emergency flashers - if they don't flash the flasher could be shorted or the flasher switch could be on.
I would also check all of the grounds for the light sockets. Check all front and back. Might sound stupid but bad grounds can really mess with you and make some weird things happen. clint
lights Sounds like a turn signal switch issue to me, they are famous for making strange electricle things happen.
Disconnect the battery and clean all the sockets in the tailight section. then focus on ground connections and cleaning them up. But I believe your problem to be a ground/connection problem in your tailight sockets. Resistance is a bitch. Also, I have seen this problem when you have a tailight bulb installed goofy. Dan
Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds Grounds
Well, I checked the bulb, and replaced the flasher this weekend, but still does it. I will check grounds and the turn signal switch sometime this week. Is there a "main" ground somewhere that I should be aware of? I already cleaned the neg. battery cable where it attaches to the block. Thanks for all your help so far, I will keep everyone posted. :Handshake -Matt
Now that you mention it, I'm not sure... I will check tonight. Thanks (and please keep the ideas coming!) -Matt
goto the brake light bulb sockets. follow the wires. on should go to a screw that goes to the body. i think it goes to the trunk lock support but not sure. take the screw out. take some sand paper and clean the wire terminal, and the surface it touches. then reinstall the screw.
I fixed it! I feel stupid though. I little hazard flasher button was out (on?). I pushed it in and now everything works as it should. Except the flashers. But I am goning to buy another new flasher today, If that doesnt work, I will have to tear into the switch. I did check all the grounds, cleaned the one in the trunk, and will be adding one from the engine to the body. Thanks for all your help guys! -Matt