In Michigan it is 40 degrees now and my car barely gets to 190 degress. But this summer it was getting to 200 degrees. I would like it to run a little cooler. Would an electric fan on the out side of the radiator make sense if I keep my factory fan with the fan belt and pulley? Or is this a stupid idea? Summit sells fans that go inside or outside.
Pusher fans(mounted in front of rad) do work but,they do cut down air flow through the radiator(A little bit).If you are driving it in the winter months I should think you will be fine without it for the cold months.190 isnt a bad place to be temp wise,especially in winter.
200* isn't that bad (IMHO). The engine parts are supposed to be around 180*+ to help prevent wear/tear. 20 degrees more isn't much to worry (again, INHO). I'd do a radiator/engine flush maybe to try bring it down a few degrees (if you haven't already done so). To each their own tho. Good luck.
I have found that a BeCool fan on the motor side works best. Becool rates their fan CFM through a radiator, while most other companies rate them in free air. I run a 421W and the most I see is 200 degrees unless I sit in traffic for long periods of time. Lee "THE MAV" Richart
Puller eletric fans ( mounted engine side of radiator) work better then pusher fans. You would free up a coulple of extra ponies by swiching to an eletric fan! A radiator flush could not hurt, check for proper base timming and timing advance ,and proper belt tension on the water pump drive belt.
get a taurus or escort elec fan. they fit nicely on the mav radiator. there are alot of threads about them on here try a search
When is it getting hot? If it's slow speed or idle... the pusher should help. If it's at highway speeds, the pusher might make things worse due to blocking airflow, and is unlikely to improve things.
Running a conventional fan through a good rad should work well, especially if it's properly shrouded. Running without a proper shroud will certainly drive up your max temps. Good luck.