I just joined today and i appreciate the welcome. My project is a 75 Mavrick 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic a/c, p.s., p.b. The body is in perfect condition, no rust, it is a pea green with green interior. The brake system will be replaced from the firewall to the wheels. The first order of business is to install a new starter to see if the engine will run. It needs seats rebuilt and new carpet. I need to get the air blowing cold. I have restored some Rancheros and I have decided to sell my 79 Ranchero with 24k miles on it, instead of removing the hail dents and painting it. I am not sure if the 75 has a 200 or a 250 in it. Hopefully it will be delivered Saturday. Just for grins i will attempt to attach picts of my 72 Ranchero. Jack
I Forgot to List my Cars 2007 Hyundai Sonata 2007 Hyundai Elantra 1967 Ford F-150 1966 Rambler Classic 1975 MAVRICK 4 DOOR 1979 Ford Ranchero (For Sale) 2003 Chevolet Cavilier Coupe(For Sale)