There was a post a few months back....i believe the car was in Primer....but underneath all the primer and in certain areas The owner found the car was Factory purple.....very Rare
I like it even though it could be a tad darker but still nice. Plus I like the rims but please get it out of the snow. lol
its in my barn now no more snow. that pic was when i first got it 9 years ago and had no place to put it.
I don't know much about it... Check this thread and question the original poster if it will have the info you want.
it would be even nicer to know how rare but i,m just happy to have it and be able to restore it as a tribute to my best friend who left me the car when he past on.
My experience with Marti reports is that they will tell you it is a special order due to the paint but they will not tell you the color of the paint or how many are that color, they just group all the special order cars in one group and give you the total number of them made. Maybe on the expensive Marti report they will break it down farther. It is still neat to have the Marti report though makes great for a folder on the car and nice to have if you ever sell the car
Hey everybody...... In case it hasn't been discussed yet ( I didn't search) but Ford was going to offer a color called Statutroy Grape. It was killed due to the name. This was go along with all the other funny names of the colors. So I wonder if this is the color???? Jon
My theory is that there were a few painted in this color and then when it was killed they just sold them. There was a lot of that back then, not like today where cars like that are destroyed. I know of instances where both have happend. Engineering cars like this would have gone to the infamous "B" lot for resale. So there a are a few cars out there that in therory you couldn't order. This may be one of them. If it is this would be very cool!!!!!!!!!! Jon