There's no telling what kind of winter we'll have... I've seen mild ones and others that are a real bitch. If there's a long sub-freezing period with lots of snow and ice, I probably won't be taking the Mav out much. Any tips on winter care? Lighter weight oil? Start her once a week or so? Keep the tank half full? She is garaged, tho the garage is not heated. Radiator was flushed and cleaned and fresh antifreeze added last Feb. Battery is a great starter and was replaced last March. Thanks.
look through this...I searched "winter storage" came up with some post on the subject.
Thanks for the link. I'm hoping to get her out at least a few times a month (weather and road conditions permitting). So I'm not looking to drain and seal. And I don't want to baby her too much either. (Our last Mav was a daily driver and we had her on the road all winter, even one 17-degree day. And with a shot heater core, it was a COLD ride.) Fortunately, my current Mav has a new heater core...I had the heat on today and she was fine.
hows the old maverick working out for you anyway? it used to be my neighbors and just a day or so ago he was asking me if you had ever posted anything about it since you picked it up anyway, i drive my 4 door comet all year. she hold up suprisingly well with no special attention other then the regular stuff, she actually run better in the cold
I would keep the tank full. Use fuel stabilizer if you aren't going to drive it much, and disconnect the battery. I would at least crank it every 2-3 weeks to keep things lubed. I drive mine in the winter on nice days-easy here in NC. But it sits in the garage most of the time, usually under cover(I work in the garage), and with a dehumidifier. I have a space heater for cold days when I am in the garage. The dehumidifier runs year round, and surprisingly with an uninsulated garage it works pretty well.